One Cutting-Edge Technology,
Two Benefits to Your Bottom Line

Superior Electricity Production
ClearPower harvests up to five times more electricity than competing technologies. In fact, depending on your building’s geographic location and building orientation, ClearPower BIPV windows can generate an annual power output approaching that of non-transparent high-efficiency solar panels.

Unique Wafer-Thin Array
ClearPower windows’ innovative design features bi-facial, crystalline silicon solar cells placed between two lites (panes) of an insulated glass window. The horizontal cell orientation makes them appear like tiny Venetian blinds that are always open, and from a few feet away, they disappear. These are the same cells used in over 90% of solar panels, so their durability and performance has been proven over decades of commercial use.

Performance Tested
ClearPower photovoltaic windows have been tested by independent third parties, including the US DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, to document the electricity production of its unique module geometry.
Clearly Powerful Windows
Thanks to Our Patented Technology
Until now, one problem has prevented building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) windows from being widely accepted — they could be transparent or they could be powerful, but not both. But today, with ClearPower, there’s no choice to make. Our unique energy-generating technology allows your building’s windows to be fully transparent AND powerful.

Increased Operating
Cash Flow
ClearPower electricity-generating window enhancements make a powerful contribution to reducing the amount of utility supplied electricity needed to be purchased to meet a building’s energy load. So, installing them can result in immediate positive operating cash flow by substantially reducing electricity cost.

Building Value
ClearPower harvests up to five times more electricity than competing technologies. In fact, depending on your building’s geographic location and building orientation, ClearPower BIPV windows can generate an annual power output approaching that of non-transparent high-efficiency solar panels.

Tax Benefits
and Incentives
Tax credits and other capital cost benefits can make insulated glass window units (IGUs) incorporating ClearPower technology less expensive to install than windows without it. BIPV windows such as ClearPower are eligible for a 30% federal investment tax credit just like a rooftop solar installation.
A Powerfully Positive
Impact on Your Building’s
Cash Flow & Value
Whether you're a building owner, developer, or architect, you want to minimize the cost of operating your building from space heating, air conditioning, hot water, lighting, and plug loads. That’s what makes ClearPower photovoltaic windows the clear choice.
© 2024 Stellaris Corporation. All rights reserved.

Energize Your
Building with
Solar Technology
Let’s face it: Not only is climate change real, it’s getting worse. In response, more and more US cities are adopting building codes requiring reduced fossil fuel consumption by switching to clean, carbon-free energy. That means there’s a strong possibility very soon all new and retrofitted buildings must be all electric. Windows embedded with ClearPower™ technology are the only solar photovoltaic windows on the market today that allow buildings to cost-effectively self-generate greenhouse gas-free electricity. They turn your building into a power plant — generating more clean energy and costing less money to do it!